Meet our Founder, Puravi Joshi

What made you create MYSA?

It was the beginning of lockdown, and I was struggling with the immediate loss of routine, it’s something I realised that I thrive on, wanting to make yoga accessible and inclusive has been a goal of mine since I became a yoga teacher, so with a little help from two of my friends who owned a creative marketing agency at the time, MYSA was born.

Why a yoga deck?

Yoga classes, especially in London can be quite expensive. I wanted to create something that could be taken anywhere and help to inspire people to create their own flows.

What makes the Mysa Yoga Deck, stand out from others?

There has been a LOT of detail that’s gone into creating the yoga deck, the cards are based on the sun (yang) and the moon (yin) which makes it easy to choose cards to suit your mood. There are 54 cards in the yoga deck which aligns with the 54 masculine and 54 feminine letters of the Sanskrit alphabet. Each card teaches you how to pronounce each Asana in Sanskrit, and also teaches you how to get into each pose with correct alignment!

How did the Meditation Library come about?

Lockdown! I was teaching weekly meditation classes on Zoom, which started to gain quite a following, at it’s peak I had about 150 people in a class on a Sunday evening, this got me a bit of traction and I was named as one of the best meditation teachers on Instagram by Women’s Health. I’ve been slowly working on creating this platform, it’s taken me a while as I’ve been combining what I’m learning from MSc in Psychology and Neuroscience for Mental Health to provide the best platform I can!

Can you give us 3 tips to help calm your nervous system?

Fresh Air, honestly getting outside and just switching off for 10 minutes is a game changer, even better if you can leave your phone indoors.

Box-Breath, this technique is something I swear by, Inhale for 4, Hold for 4, Exhale for 4, Hold for 4. Repeat for 5 to 10 minutes.

Dance it out! Put on your favourite song, close your eyes, and dance like nobody’s watching, because nobody is!


The Science of Meditation: Unlocking the Power of Your Brain and Body