Our Values

  • When we first started looking at the best way to produce our cards to ensure they were eco-friendly, we looked at every element including paper source and ink.

    After months of research we found soy ink, soy ink is ink that is made from soy beans instead of petroleum ink. Soy ink also makes it easier to re-cycle paper. Our cards are made from re-cycled paper, this helps us keep our carbon foot print as low as we can.

  • At Mysa London, for every sale Β£1 goes to Papyrus UK. Papyrus UK is a national charity that is dedicated to the prevention of young suicide.

    Papyrus work to shatter the stigma around suicide and equipping young people and their communities with the skills to recognise and respond to suicidal behaviour.

    Papyrus provide confidential support through their amazing helpline HOPELINEUK. They also engage with local communities, councils, healthcare professionals and school staff with suicide prevention skills.

    At Mysa London, we truly believe that children are our future and that the access to support for mental health is necessary. We are honoured to be partnered up with Papyrus UK to be able to provide support in this way.